Belated Happy National Coffee Day Wishes, Shoot.

pretty picture, right? Of course I didn't take it
You know those dreams where you get to the final exam only you forgot it was the day of the exam? It’s bad enough in dreams, when those lapses occur in real life it’s way worse. Forgetting it’s picture day for your kids? I’ve done that but now almost purposely do that. First, who orders those horrid photos and also when I look back the unbrushed hair will make me smile. I have a another one, I forgot jury duty. Yup, this summer it didn’t make it into my calendar. Then I  had that “I know I had something on this day” and a week later in a pile, oh shit. So I felt that same pit in my stomach feeling when I started to see National Coffee Day emails and posts yesterday.  How did I forget? So a day late and a dollar (but never a coffee) short, our coffee roundup or “ground up”

Blog (4 years old and still stand by it) on whether you should give up coffee, guess the answer? And whether coffee is good or bad for you…

Carolyn and I like this for our afternoon coffee, did you see our shroom coffee video?

My latest bulletproof iteration, Pumpkin Spice Bulletproof

Cold brew Cubes? Yup, turns out Carolyn is “OneSmartBrownie” she freezes cold brew coffee for her smoothies.

And our new favorite office coffee contraption (pictured above) the Chemex that we purchased while drinking coffee at Joe’s coffee conveniently steps from the Foodtrainers' offices.

 Phew- I need a coffee.
What’s your fave coffee? Did you know it was National Coffee Day? Did you “give coffee up” if so please list a good reason. 

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